Nuclear throne together icon
Nuclear throne together icon

nuclear throne together icon
  1. #Nuclear throne together icon mod#
  2. #Nuclear throne together icon update#
  3. #Nuclear throne together icon archive#
  4. #Nuclear throne together icon Patch#

The first step in this case is to press Alt+Enter to exit full-screen mode. It can occur that upon booting the game will appear completely black (or white).

nuclear throne together icon

If that does not help, re-extract options.ini from the archive, open it in Notepad (or equivalent) and change

#Nuclear throne together icon mod#

It can occur for Steam API (which the mod makes heavier use of) to get "stuck" and take increasingly longer to respond. The mod does work alright under WINE/CrossOver though. That are Windows-only, 32-bit/64-bit differences, and increasingly nightmarish changes Since accompanied by a number of native extensions (such as for loading shaders) Initial issues with getting cross-platform multiplayer to work has been It seems unlikely that NTT will be available on Mac/Linux too soon, if ever. Re-writing this section 4 years after NTT's initial release, Compile NTT-Assemble by yourself from the source code to be sure (requires Visual Studio and basic understanding of it).Sandboxie) and copy back the resulting executable (for same reasons as above). Run NTT-Assemble in a sandboxed environment (e.g.The modified game executable is never considered a virus. Have someone send you the resulting NuclearThrone executable (~110MB).NTT-Assemble can be removed once it assembles the new NuclearThrone executable - the mod does not need it to function. "Whitelist" the file in the antivirus program so that it lets you run it.Try updating the "virus definitions" in the antivirus program.In case that happens for you, there's a bunch of ways you can resolve this: This is a false positive, supposedly caused due to suspicion arising from the fact that program copies parts of game' executable to assemble a new one. It can occur that certain versions of certain antivirus programs can consider NTT-Assemble (mod's patcher program) to be a virus.

#Nuclear throne together icon Patch#

(or sending someone the files) to patch the game files, moving them back afterwards. The solution is usually to use a machine running a newer version of Windows On select machines running Windows XP, NTT-Assemble simply ceases to launch for unidentified reason. "NTT-Assemble is not a valid Win32 application" So that it can fail to load it and move on. Toss literally any (even non-functional) steam_api.dll into the game directory "couldn't find steam_api.dll" error upon running, If you are using a DRM-free version of the game and get a The mod will not work if installed on top of older versions of the game or other mods (majority of which are based on u19). The mod was confirmed to work with the following versions of the game:

#Nuclear throne together icon update#

Installing the update is a matter of downloading the new version and installing it on top of existing one - you do not have to uninstall the old version prior. When a Nuclear Throne Together update comes out, a notice is shown on top of the main menu. If all is well, the game will no longer display a version notice on the main menu.Īlternatively, if you've installed mod on Steam, you can just "verify cache". If you have installed NTT multiple times, the earliest-dated NuclearThrone.exe will be the base game, while the rest will be older NTT versions.

  • Rename NuclearThrone-(datetime).exe back to NuclearThrone.exe.
  • Remove the (modified) NuclearThrone.exe.
  • The mod is told apart from the base game by the fact that it displays the version+notice at the top of main menu. If all is well, a NuclearThroneTogether executable will appear and you'll be able to run the mod from it (and/or add it as a shortcut to your Steam/etc. If you get a "can't find assets in" error, remove the file from game directory and retry.
  • Run "NTT-Assemble" executable, pick 1 (Install) to assemble a NTT executable.
  • #Nuclear throne together icon archive#

  • Extract the NTT archive into the Nuclear Throne' directory.
  • Right-click Nuclear Throne in your Steam library, pick Properties - Local Files - Browse local files.
  • If you want to use search (Ctrl+F), make sure to set display to Everything first.Ĭlick on sections to expand/collapse them. This is a FAQ for Nuclear Throne Together by YellowAfterlife.Ī most-up-to-date version of this FAQ can be found online.

    Nuclear throne together icon