How to make phishing page for facebook 2014
How to make phishing page for facebook 2014

how to make phishing page for facebook 2014

And now the hacker has their login credentials! In Facebook, this may not be as consequential as another website, like online banking. The user, who is really the attacker’s victim, actually entered their private information into a hacker’s website. Believing they are viewing the intended web page, they enter their login credentials to access the web service. Most frequently, the process works as follows:Ī user clicks on a bad link to a phishing site. Attackers frequently employ this method to steal usernames and passwords.

how to make phishing page for facebook 2014

Phishing is the process of setting up a fake website or webpage that basically imitates another website. Not only will it help you avoid mistakes that threaten your security and privacy, but it will also help you spot fishy phishing sites. Keeping that in mind, there is a lot of value, especially for aspiring hackers, in understanding how phishing works.


If you’re reading this with the hopes of learning how to gain access to countless users’ Facebook credentials, I should instead refer you to philosophical ideas on morality. If you’ve ever had your username or password stolen, you know how bad it feels when others have violated your privacy. It simply isn’t legal, and it isn’t moral, either. However, and I can’t stress this enough, this knowledge should never be used to attack others in the real world.

how to make phishing page for facebook 2014

In this tutorial, we’re going to take a close look at how to setup a phishing page to harvest usernames and passwords that can be used to hack other users’ Facebook accounts.

How to make phishing page for facebook 2014