Sevens are marked by a preference for Extraversion, as well as by their use of either Extraverted Intuition (Ne) or Extraverted Sensing (Se), both of which are perceptive, explorative, and novelty-oriented functions. Extraverted (E) & Perceiving (P) types.Learn more in our post: Enneagram 6 (6w5 & 6w7). Being more practical and less introspective / philosophical than Fours or Fives, the Six is also comprised mostly of Sensing (S) types. Empirical research, as well as ordinary observation, suggests that Introverts tend to be more anxious and self-conscious than extraverts, which is why Sixes are more likely to Introverted. Riso and Hudson suggest that the Six is an anxious type and their behaviors and attitudes can be seen as attempts to quell their anxiety. See our post, Enneagram Type 5 (5w4 & 5w6), for an exploration of the Enneagram 5. See our post, Enneagram Type 4 (4w5 & 4w3), for an in-depth look at this type. Finally, other factors such as birth order may play a role, as research indicates that first-borns tend to be more achievement-oriented than later-borns. Thus, the J-P preference is unlikely to be a significant contributor. Judging (J) might contribute to achievement-striving as well, but Threes are also described as quite adaptable, which can be associated with Perceiving (P). Moreover, one could make the case that Extraverts, like Threes, are more image conscious and concerned with securing approval from others. Threes also tend to be Extraverted (E), which research has linked with achievement-striving. On the Myers-Briggs, roughly two-thirds of males test as Thinkers (T), so by association, we’d expect to see more Thinkers identifying as Threes. Although some females may test as Threes, the majority are males. The essence of the Enneagram 3 is characteristically masculine, involving a strong drive for status and self-distinction through achievement.

Feelers are far more likely to resonate with the Enneagram 2, also known as “The Helper.” Enneagram 3 Correlations Enneagram 2 Correlationsįeelers are typically more empathetic and nurturing than their Thinking counterparts. However, insofar as the Enneagram 1 functions as a moral change agent, Feeling (F) Perceiving (P) types may sometimes test as Ones as well. Ones can be found among any of the Myers-Briggs / MBTI Judging types.

I’ve also included a couple helpful summary tables at the end of the post. Here we’ll take a peek at some of these telling connections. Two of the most popular personality taxonomies, the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) and the Enneagram, exhibit a number of noteworthy correlations. One of the most interesting ways of studying personality typology, at least for personality junkies, is by comparing different classification systems.