Produced for Green & Slimy Software by Mac Screencast Productions.
Deskscribble for Mac allows you to easily draw on your desktop or on top of files. The hotkey combination can be configured in the Preferences menu.ĭeskscribble not only allows you to draw on top of your desktop and ontop of all open windows, it is also an easy to use whiteboard, blackboard and you can even use it for your own and your kids' scribbles. Use Hotkeys to quickly switch among different tools without having to access the toolbar.Mouse mode that let you control other applications as per normal while your annotations are still showing on top.8 pens, 4 highlighters and 3 erasers of various colors and sizes for your convenience.Floating toolbar that can be moved around and switched between horizontal or veritcal, so that it never gets into the way of your presentation.Allow you to annotate on extended or mirrored monitors.You can easily go back and forth between the created pages. Let you create a new page to annotate without destroying the current annotations.Helpful when you want to quickly show your idea on a clean page. Toggle between your desktop screen and a whiteboard/blackboard with just a single-click.
For a video presentation, showing your webcam view might help you connect better with your audience.
Image formats: PNG, JPEG, Bitmap or GIF (for Windows), and PNG (for Mac OS X). Save the current desktop with your annotations as an image.Let you write, draw or highlight on any content being shown on the desktop from any app, be it a webpage, a slideshow, a running video or even presentation mode of Keynote and Powerpoint.
Just install the latest trial version and your license key should still be valid after installation.